As I move toward the end of the calendar year, and the middle of my second year in my current job, and the end of my twenties, I find myself not really working toward anything... big.
Well. I shouldn't knock my 30 Before 30 List - I have a lot of goals, even more than what the list mentions. And I'm well on my way to tackling quite a few of them - I'm working hard to be ready for my half marathon in March; I'm well on my way to my savings goal for my summer 2017 London trip; I'm trying to get up the courage to finally get my tattoo. A lot of the items on the list are big goals, and I shouldn't downplay them.
But I don't really have a plan right now.
I had a really great phone conversation with a friend yesterday, who was pondering their current lack of a life plan. "I always have to have a plan," they said.
Me? I've never been much of a "life plan" type of person. Sure, I set goals for myself. But I've found that, whenever I try to make big "life plans," God likes to laugh at me, and then the plan gets totally upended. And then I end up somewhere unexpected, like graduate school in Florida. Or working in higher education in Bloomington, Indiana.
So, I stopped trying to make big plans. They just don't work for me.
But I find myself reflecting - does a lack of a plan make me purposeless? (It sure feels like it sometimes!)
I don't really know what my Purpose is here on earth (and I don't really expect to ever find it out in this life), so I usually find myself trusting God and doing the best I can.
And I guess, that's my question. Is figuring it out day by day enough of a purpose? Is it acceptable to enjoy life as it comes, and do my best to do my best? To work toward living a life of contentment and joy? To surround myself with the people I love, and do the things I like?
For now, I feel like it is enough.
They say when you're caught in an undertow, you shouldn't fight the current, but rather swim along with it. Wherever this current is ultimately going to take me, I find myself enjoying just... floating along.