Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Thirty Before 30: Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving

We're post-birthday and post-August, which in higher ed world is one of the busiest times of year, so I figured I should rev up the ol' blog once again. I turned 28 in July, so I'm one step closer to the big 3-0 (22 months and 6 days, to be exact).

With that being said, I decided to sit down and make my Thirty Before 30 List (two months AFTER my birthday). I've set some pretty big goals, as you'll see below, and I wanted to give myself a reasonable amount of time - July 2018 - to accomplish them. (After all, my goals must be SMART, right? #educatorjokes)

Without further ado, here's the list; expect blog posts as I accomplish these goals!

Cassidy's Thirty Before 30 (Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving) List:


  1. Travel to London - I'm such an Anglophile, and I have family living in London Town - there's no reason I shouldn't do this. In fact, I'm planning to check this off the list next summer! :)
  2. Travel to Rome - Between my Italian heritage, my somewhat limited knowledge of the Italian language (I took it in college and am a little rusty), and my love of history, I crave a visit to La Citta Eterna. I may make this my 30th Birthday Gift to myself... TBD.
  3. Visit a state I’ve never been to before - I love traveling domestically in the U.S.; I'd like to expand my list of states visited. On the docket: Massachusetts (Boston), Idaho (Boise), and/or Utah (Zion National Park). Open to suggestions :)
  4. Take an off-the-grid (NO EMAIL) vacation - I am incredibly guilty of not fully being on vacation when I go on vacation. I want to challenge myself to turn off email for the duration of a WHOLE vacation, and to truly live in and enjoy the moment.
  1. Ride in a hot air balloon - I am terrified of heights but also love the view from up top. I want to ride in a hot air balloon SO bad, and to try not to have a panic attack the whole time.
  2. Hike a 14-er - Again, love being up high but I am terrified of heights. But I also love climbing mountains, and the West has a plethora of great destination hikes. I'd like to bag at least one 14-er (a mountain over 14,000 feet above sea level) before I hit the big 3-0.
  3. Get a tattoo - I've wanted the same tattoo for about 5 years. It's time to pull the trigger.
  4. Backpack on the Appalachian Trail - The Appalachians are my mountain range; I feel at home when I'm there. I want to channel my best Cheryl Strayed and get on the AT for several days/a week. Travel buddies welcome!
  5. Plan an amazing 30th Birthday Celebration/Trip - I want to go BIG for 30. See above note about Rome. I'm open to suggestions/travel buddies on this one, too :)
  1. Pay off half of total principal student loan balance - I took out a lot of student loans, and I want to be out of debt SOON. By the time I turn 30 I'll be 6 years into repayment, so I'd like to be halfway done paying back my principal by my 30th birthday. It'll take some finagling & some real dedication with my budgeting, but debt is terrible, so it'll be worth it.
  2. Go on a month-long spending cleanse - I want to accomplish this one sooner rather than later. I need to refocus my budgeting (especially if I'm wanting to travel AND take down my debt). I want to think really critically about how I spend my money - and not spend for a month, so I know what I need vs. what I want.
  1. Run a half-marathon - I've toyed with running since college, but never committed to a long distance. Now's the time. My parents and I are, as of today, signed up for a half marathon in March of 2017. Wish me luck!
  2. Figure out and stick to regular workout regimen - I am TERRIBLE at staying in shape, because I hate most forms of working out. I want to figure out what works for me AND make it a habit by the time I turn 30.
  3. Complete a 30-day yoga challenge - I love yoga but haven't made a habit of it. Many studios offer a "30-day challenge" of practicing every day for a month; I can always do with more centering.
  4. Find & attend a home church regularly - I've lived in Charlotte for over a year and still haven't made the commitment to a home church... yet!
  5. Schedule regular doctor/dentist check-ups - I haven't gone to the doctor (any doctor) or dentist in... a while. I will spare you the details. But I need to be a grown-up and schedule appointments for myself. (It's getting embarrassing.)
  6. Complete a Whole 30/28-day Paleo (or similar) Challenge - I believe in moderation and portion control with food, but I also want to learn how to be more conscious of what I eat and how it makes me feel. I think a 28-day or 30-day challenge would be just the thing for me to thoughtfully eat better.
  1. Learn how to water-ski - I've now snow-skied, and skiing on flat(ish) water is WAYYYY less terrifying than falling down a mountain.
  2. Try 30 new recipes - I am able to cook; I'm often too lazy to do so. I have tons of Pinterest recipes ready to go. This one should be a breeze.
  3. Learn calligraphy - I love the act of writing and can fake calligraphy script really well. I'd love to take a class on how to do it properly!
  4. Learn how to rock climb - See above for sentiments about being terrified of heights but loving the view, and workin' on my fitness. (There's a metaphor for another blog post in there somewhere.)
  5. Decide on a Ph.D. program (even if I’m not ready to apply for it yet) - I know I want a Ph.D.; I just need to figure out what it'll be and where I'd like to apply.
  6. Learn how to apply lipstick - I have my daily makeup routine down, and yet, I CANNOT make lipstick stick. Ever. This is #lifegoals before 30.
  1. Attend a professional ballet performance (other than “The Nutcracker”) - I danced for 15 years and adore ballet, and yet have never seen a professional performance other than The Nutcracker. No more.
  2. See Beyonce in concert (if she tours) - For as much as I love Queen Bey, I've yet to commit to a concert of hers. If she tours again in the next two years, I'm going, no questions asked.
  3. Watch all of the AFI Top 100 Films - I love movies; I need to see more of the classics.
  4. Join a choir - I miss choir, more than I ever thought I would. I'd love to find one as a hobby.
  1. Volunteer with Girls on the Run - Girls on the Run is a nonprofit organization that I'm a huge fan of for a number of reasons (including that it's my sorority's philanthropy organization). I would love to get more involved as a volunteer, whether that's as a coach, running buddy, or simply a regular 5K volunteer.
  2. Solidify & stay constant with volunteering role(s) with Gamma Phi Beta - Gamma Phi is my sorority and is a life-long commitment; I need to figure out what that commitment looks like and make it stick!
  3. Complete 30 Random Acts of Kindness - Giving back to others means the world to me; I want to make the world a little happier in the next couple of years. It's the least I can do.


  1. This is Mom, not Dad. I LOVE your goals and aspirations. Don't let the inertia, minutiae, or ennui of everyday living interfere with living out your dreams!!!!!

  2. I LOVE this list, Sassidy! You make me want to make one since we are only 4 days apart! Love you and miss your face! Btw, come to Texas and Joseph and I can teach you to water ski at our lake house! Also, down for Rome. Let's go!

  3. Beautiful goals, darling. Please don't let life get in the way of them--life has a way of making its own priorities; I know that too well. I admire and support these worthy goals, and I hope that you reach them--surpass them--to your satisfaction. I'm cheering for you!
    Love always...da godma

  4. If you come to NYC we can go see a ballet together :) Even with a real ballet danseur! haha
