Thursday, January 5, 2012


I've heard wonderful things about the #oneword movement, where you choose one word to live your year by. This year, I thought I'd take part, with a word that NEEDS to be my mantra for the year: believe.

Even now, at the beginning of January, 2012 is exciting, challenging, full of change, and full of question marks. While the future is bright, it's also completely unknown. The biggest question mark centers on my biggest excitement of the year—I'll be graduating at the end of April with my master's degree, and then. . .who knows?

I'll no longer be a student; I'll no longer attend Florida State; I may no longer live in the state of Florida. All the things that have been my life for the past two years (living in Florida) and the past twenty years (being a student) will be gone, and then, where will I be? WHO will I be?

It's in this year of great change that I must continually believe.
I must believe that I have chosen the right profession.
I must believe that I can make a difference.
I must believe that I will end up in the place where I am meant to be, doing the job I'm supposed to be doing.
I must believe, above all, in myself. I must believe that I CAN and WILL make this year a success!

I've always believed that God has a plan for my life, and that all things happen for a reason. This year, I must continually remind myself of this fact, and continually believe that everything is going to turn out just the way it’s supposed to!


  1. This is a great one! Looking forward to seeing how you live this one, and am happy to help in any way to get you there! :)

  2. Well spoken Sir. And I believe in YOU.
